Legal information

The domain is administered by:

Großhandel für Elektrotechnische Produkte
nach VDE, UL/CSA und British Standard

Bessemerstr. 8
D-60388 Frankfurt / Main

Telefon: +49(0)6109 - 6980-0
Telefax: +49(0)6109 - 6980-28

Commercial register: HRB 17012 AG Frankfurt / Main
VAT-No.: DE 114 138 444
Managing Director: Rainer E. A. Betz

Responsible for content:
Rainer E. A. Betz / Christian A. Betz

Liability exclusion:
All information on this website has been carefully compiled. Liability for damage resulting from the usage of information from this website is principally excluded. Also excluded is liability for the content of the external Internet sites of other operators; the respective operators are responsible for the design and content of the external sites.

Data protection:
We shall only use all information sent to us for processing your messages in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations, and will of course not pass it on.

The layout of the website, all photos, graphics and texts used are protected by copyright. DELTRIC GmbH reserves all rights for the multiplication, distribution or electronic processing of content of any kind.